golf injuries we treat

Golf season is in full swing, and many of us are eager to spend as much time as possible on the course. However, staying injury-free is crucial for a successful and enjoyable season. Here, we dive into the common injuries golfers face, provide actionable tips to prevent them, and explain how we treat these injuries to help you stay in top form.

Common Golf Injuries We See and Treat

One of the most common issues we see among golfers is low back sprains and strains. The repetitive twisting motion and constant hunching over during a round can put significant stress on the lower back. Proper mechanics and technique are essential, but incorporating a good warm-up routine can make a world of difference in preventing these injuries.

Another frequent injury is medial epicondylitis, also known as golfer's elbow. This condition occurs when the muscles and tendons controlling the wrist and forearm become damaged due to repetitive stress. Pain and tenderness are typically felt on the inside of the forearm or elbow and can sometimes extend into the forearm. Understanding this injury and how to prevent it is key to maintaining your game.


In The Office

Treatment options for low back pain. Our expert chiropractors and physical therapists can help you recover faster and get back to playing your best. One effective treatment is spinal adjustments, which ensure that all segments of the spine are moving correctly. This can significantly reduce pain and improve mobility.

But First Lets Do An Exam

Low back pain is a common issue, especially among athletes like golfers. We take a dive deep into the methods for diagnosing and treating this debilitating condition. Whether you're an athlete or someone who suffers from chronic back pain, we look to provide you with valuable insights and practical advice.

We start with a comprehensive analysis of low back pain, focusing on a range of motion tests and sciatic nerve checks. These initial steps are crucial for identifying the root cause of the pain. In the video we show how we perform these tests, explain what to look for and how to interpret the results.

One of the key points discussed is the identification of overuse injuries. These injuries are common in golfers due to the repetitive nature of the golf swing. Over time, the muscles in the lower back be-come extremely tight, trying to protect the spine. However, this leads to the joints in the spin-e becoming immobile, exacerbating the pain.

Treatment Options

Now let's look at the treatment phase, where we explore various methods to alleviate low back pain. Cupping therapy is one of the treatments we use and show you in the video. Our doctor explains the difference between static and dynamic cupping, emphasizing the importance of avoiding bruising. Cupping helps to loosen up the muscle tissue, promoting better blood flow and reducing inflammation.

Another essential aspect of the treatment is chiropractic adjustments. The goal here is to restore motion to the joints, which in turn helps to alleviate pain. We will walk you through the adjustment process, detailing how to ensure that all segments of the spine are moving correctly.

We also provide practical exercises that anyone can do at home to speed up their recovery. One such exercise is the press-up, which helps to get movement back into the low back. Increased movement and blood flow are key to reducing inflammation and pain.



Don't let injuries hold you back this golf season. Tune in to our latest episode for essential tips and exercises that will keep you on the course and playing your best. Take the first step towards a healthier, more powerful swing. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help you stay injury-free and improve your game. Let's make this golf season your best one yet!


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Ashley  Jordan

Ashley Jordan


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