TIPS on how to stay Active during the Winter in the Tri-Cities
Are you worried about what you’re going to do this winter? Winter in Michigan can be a long
and gloomy time of year, but it doesn’t have to be. It doesn’t have to affect you like it may have in the past!
Here are some ideas on how to stay active during the winter months.
Click on the links to check out the websites we’ve included.
1. Dress in layer’s
2. Make use of the daylight hours. Rise and Shine its EXERCISE TIME!
3. Find inside activities
a. Line dancing with the Dust Stompers in the Tri-City area!
b. Mall Walking
c. Make a home gym
- Inexpensive options: Bands, Dumbbell, Kettlebell
d. Try different gyms and classes to keep you engaged
e. Local gyms (with classes to help get you started in you need!)
- Yoga
- Dow YMCA
- Crossfit Bay City
- Iron Gorilla Gym
- Old Town Gym
- Planet Fitness
- Seung-ni Fit Club
4. Take advantage of hiking: Benefits of Nature
a. Tobico Marsh
b. City Forest
c. Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge
And Let’s #KeepBayCityMoving !